Peach & Tomato Chutney

Jul 16th, 2014 Jayne Pearce Consume & Educate

It’s cheeky chutney time of year. Along with homegrown tomatoes, those Californian peach nectar varieties can be put to good use in a tasty chutney. I have a good friend who offers organic peaches to the highest bidder at the annual school PTA auction. Every year I make sure I win a tray. I can’t get enough of the sweet and sour chutney combo flavor. This is all thanks to a lasting childhood memory of the British cheddar and Branston Pickle sandwich. These days I like it with buttered crusty baguette; a slab of strong cheddar and an oaked Chardonnay with refreshing acidity. The peach and tomato season conveniently coincide in California during July and August and the resulting flavor is perfect for al-fresco culinary indulgences. This easy recipe also makes an attractive gift that lasts for three or so months. Plus, you get to feel oh-so-very-productive in the kitchen and garden if that works for you.


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